We restore accounts free of charge in case of hardware failure ONLY (for example, disk failure). If your account got compromised or you lost specific file or folder, restore may occur for $5 per website. Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee successful restore. It means that website data can be lost completely because cPanel terminates account first then uses backup file. However, if restore fails, you won't pay backup/restore fee of $5. We do recommend to backup remaining data prior account termination / restore request.
If you wish to restore website from our onsite/offsite backup, please submit support ticket with: domain name, username and last 6 (SIX) digits of credit card number on file or Paypal subscription ID. If we find your backup on backup server, we will proceed with account termination first. Domain will appear "down" during restore process (from 2 minutes to 1 hour, depends on disk usage). Successful restore wil cost $5 per website.
We're happy to introduce new and improved offsite backup system. From now on (April 2018), offsite backups will be stored at Amazon data center for longer period and more often. We used to create weekly onsite and monthly offsite backups. Now it's possible to store up to 48 weekly backups per website - enough to cover entire year! Soon you'll be able to select any week of the year.
More of this, restore fee will decrease from $10 to $5 per website by June 6th, 2018.
Please submit support ticket with domain name, username and password to cPanel. We also need location of your backup file, for example, /home/username/public_html/backup/username.tar.gz. Since your have own backup, restore is FREE of charge.
We run automatic weekly onsite and monthly offsite backups of your data. In the event of permanent data loss, a restoration may occur that will recover your lost files for additional fee of $5 per website. Availability of backups is NOT guaranteed.
Offsite Backups are run weekly. However, we would like to stress to all Customers how important it is to keep local backups on local computer or removable media. Reason being that there are instances where backups will run and replace Customer's backup from the previous day. If Customer have changed something since then and need that backup, chances are we will not have it. So always keep backups stored on local computer! We make no guarantees about the availability of backups. WestNIC is NOT responsible for files or any data residing on your account.
Customer must not leave backup files on the server. All backups must be generated via cPanel, downloaded to personal computer, then removed off the server within 48 hours. Old backup files will be purged without notice in order to avoid unnecessary server load associated with weekly onsite offsite backup.
Any shared account using more than 20 GB of disk space will be removed from our offsite backup servers. However, we may schedule full site backup (up to 50 GB of data) upon request. This service is free of charge and provided "as is".